Friday, May 13, 2011

Vegetable (not Vegetarian) Pie

Hi everyone!  I haven't been posting lately.  I've been a little busy (and not cooking as much the last couple of weeks) but Blogger has been down too so I'm posting the vegetable pie I made last night.  It was great and even better cold the next day for lunch.  You missed the lasagna and banana-pecan muffins I also made this week but they will come around again on the menu sometime soon.

Shopping List

double pie shell
a large carrot
bag of fresh spinach
4 or 5 thin slices of sweet onion
3-4 slices of deli ham
about a cup of grated cheddar cheese
4 eggs
2 Tbsp cream
salt and pepper
your herb of choice

Peel and slice carrot coins - as thin as you can so they cook.  Place these in a single layer on the bottom of the pie shell.  Beat your eggs and cream together with seasonings.  You can always use fresh herbs but this is a time that I don't mind using dry.  I used savoury for this recipe - that and dill are my favourites with eggs but you can use what you prefer.  Pour enough of the beaten egg over the carrot slices to just cover.

Next you should layer your slices of sweet onion and spread half of your grated cheese over the pie...

Then layer your slices of ham...

Prepare your spinach.  I wash it well and put it in a large bowl in the microwave and zap it til cooked and softened.  Squeeze the water out of your leaves (after it cools) and layer over the ham. I used about 3/4 of the bag of spinach.  It really cooks down to a small amount.  Don't miss cooking your spinach or you will have a soggy mess on your hands.  Years ago when it was expensive to get fresh spinach in the winter, I used to use frozen spinach for this recipe.  Just thaw completely and squeeze all the water out.  Gently pour the rest of your egg mixture over the spinach and top with the remaining cheese.

Top with the second disk of dough, seal edges and cut vents in top.  Bake in a 425 degree oven for 15 minutes.  Turn the heat down to 375 and bake 35 to 45 more minutes until golden brown.  This is a great recipe for brunch, lunch or dinner - very versatile.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! That's nice big slices of ham you used there. Will be lookin' out for that lasagna recipe.☺
